Poetry: Golden Bees

During the last few years, I've been writing a poem each day and posting it on Facebook. Most of my poems are celebrations of natural beauty; a few are ethical/political commentaries with some bite.

You can see more poems by visiting my new Facebook page.

I also have a published book of poetry out now. Inquire at revted9@gmail.com

Golden Bees

©2023 Rev. Ted Tollefson

I don't hear honey bees complaining
when they find their way to sweetness
they are too busy drinking nectar
and praising the flowering cup that holds them
with such tender strength.
I don’t see bees going on strike
because they don’t like
their working conditions
or didn’t vote for the right queen.

They are too busy toning
and turning pollen
into amber rivers of delight
that make even habitual nay-sayers
swoon with joy.

Sing praises for the golden bees
for the sweetness found
and the sweetness made.